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Alaska Recordkeeping and Reporting Results

82 results match your filter criteria.

Recordkeeping and Reporting in Alaska - Federal Register Rules and Notices

NOAA Fisheries issues a rule to modify recordkeeping and reporting requirements to remove pot gear tag requirements in the sablefish Individual Fishing Quota fishery in the Gulf of Alaska and remove requirements to obtain and submit a notary…

Regulatory Impact Review For a Proposed Regulatory Amendment to Remove GOA Sablefish IFQ Pot Gear Tags and Notary Certification Requirements

Analysis of changes to regulations to remove recordkeeping and reporting requirements for a notary certification as well as the requirement for IFQ fishermen using longline pot gear in the GOA to obtain and mark their gear with pot tags.
December 13, 2021 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,

Alaska Recordkeeping and Reporting Logbook Logsheets

Online logsheets may only be downloaded for temporary use 1) by eLogbook users in the event there is an Internet outage or 2) by Daily Fishing Logbook (DFL) and Daily Cumulative Production Logbook (DCPL) users in the case of an emergency.

Alaska Recordkeeping and Reporting Forms

Online and fillable forms for Alaska federal fisheries.

Monitoring and Reporting in Alaska

A combination of observer data and a suite of electronic reporting and electronic monitoring tools provide comprehensive information to support sustainable management in Alaskan groundfish and halibut fisheries.

Recordkeeping and Reporting for Federal Fisheries in Alaska

All U.S. vessels harvesting Exclusive Economic Zone fish and shoreside processors, stationary floating processors, and motherships receiving EEZ fish are required to hold a Federal permit and thus comply with recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

Final Regulatory Impact Review for a Regulatory Amendment to Require the Use of tLandings for Tender Vessels Receiving Federal Groundfish

Proposed requirement that groundfish tenders use tLandings software to prepare electronic landing reports submitted to NOAA Fisheries.
September 01, 2016 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,

Amendment 109 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

NOAA Fisheries issues a final rule to implement Amendment 109 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area. This final rule amends regulations governing the Western Alaska Community Development…

Amendment 112 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

NOAA Fisheries issues this final rule to implement Amendments 102/112 to revise regulations and modify the criteria for NOAA Fisheries to place certain small catcher/processors in the partial observer coverage category under the North Pacific Groundfish…

Amendment 102 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska Management Area

NOAA Fisheries issues this final rule to implement Amendments 102/112 to revise regulations and modify the criteria for NOAA Fisheries to place certain small catcher/processors in the partial observer coverage category under the North Pacific Groundfish…